The Show
The Wearable Art Show is intended to bring in artists, and visitors to Ocean Shores while utilizing an Ocean Shores community venue.
Show Producers Eric and Tricia invite artists of all media to create functional or not functional pieces of Wearable Art. Artists are encouraged, but not required to create pieces along the theme of the show. Wearable Art is hand-crafted and one-of-a-kind artwork designed to be worn on the human body. ~No Ready Made Costumes~
In 2018 the Producers of the Ocean Shores Wearable Art Show chose to support Stage West Community Theatre (SWCT) by pledging the proceeds of that show to support the first Summer Theatre youth program. The summer program was a success as was this new partnership. The SWCT Board has adopted the WA Show and will act as the production team for future shows. Show proceeds will continue to support theatre programs for North Beach area youth. In addition, SWCT is a 501c3 organization which allows the addition of show sponsors to increase the annual revenue possibilities and will handle the accounting and ticket sales for the show.
Find out below a little more on some of the folks that work on putting this show of whimsy together. Without the many volunteers, behind the scene attention to detail, and the talents of the artists, Wearable Art would not be possible.
Tricia Funk
Ocean Shores Wearable Art Producer
Tricia began her foray into the Wearable Art World in Ketchikan, AK in 2000. She completed a costume her daughter had started. As she boogied down the stage as, "Hoochie Mama" she became hooked on Wearable Art. She has participated in multiple Wearable Art shows in Ketchikan and Juneau, Alaska. After moving to Ocean Shores in 2008 she started to wonder what Wearable Art might look like in Ocean Shores. That idea grew and so did her pile of colleccted items just waiting to be made into a costume for the runway. In 2012 Tricia and her partner, Eric collaborated with Leslie Reedy for the first annual Ocean Shores Wearable Art. The show was a success and it seems to grow each year.
Eric Bjella
Ocean Shores Wearable Art Producer
Eric has had years on the stage and years of being subjected to the whimsy of his family members who revel in the arts of the wearable variety, so it was only natural to have him host the 2012 show and warm up the crowd for subsequent shows. Eric's background in theater and networking skills make him the perfect guy to make sure all the details are taken care of and the artists are stage ready the night of the show. We have yet to see him strut his stuff on the Wearable Art stage, but our fingers are crossed that this might be the year...
Nona Dimond
Ocean Shores Wearable Art Designer
Nona is a Wearable Art veteran hailing from Alaska. She and her mother Tricia have often collaborated on wearable art projects over the years and continue to work together on this project. She maintains the OSWA website and produces most of the graphic design associated with Ocean Shores Wearable Art. Notice her stunning stage dressing for the 2014 Ocean Shores Wearable Art Show: Force of Nature.
Artists, Models, Volunteers
and everyone in between!
Ocean Shores Wearable Art would not be possible without the help of many hands. Obviously, the artists who submit their pieces and the models who strut them the night of the show are instumental in putting together such a fun night. Behind the scenes though there are countless volunteers and many more hours that work on getting the venue ready, marketing the show, lighting, music, rehersals, photos, makeup, hair, and all the other details that make it a special event. Thank you to all who help pull it off and a special thanks to those who attend each year!
Stage West Community Theatre
Stage West has been providing quality live theater to the North Beach community since 2009 and continues to be the only community organization dedicated solely to keeping local theater alive. We have volunteer opportunities for actors, musicians, directors, set creators, stage managers, web and social media promotion and performance help for all ages and experience.